The correct answer is B.
Meningocele occurs due to a failure of closure of the caudal portion of the neural tube. In contrast to the more serious meningomyelocele, in which the spinal cord also herniates through the vertebral defect, meningocele is typically associated with only minimal neurological damage and is relatively easy to treat surgically.

Encephalocele (choice A) implies herniation of the brain through a bony defect in the skull caused by defective closure of the cranial end of the neural tube.
Meningomyelocele (choice C) includes herniation of the spinal cord through a vertebral defect. Associated neurological deficits are usually severe.
In spina bifida aperta (choice D), there is a complete failure of fusion of the neural plate associated with malformation of the vertebral arches such that the underdeveloped neural plate is covered only with skin. No mass lesion is present, and the patient typically has major neurologic deficits.
Spina bifida occulta (choice E) is the mildest of the neural tube defects, typically consisting of a small vertebral defect with a normal spinal cord and meninges. The defect is often associated with a skin dimple that overlies adipose tissue, hair follicles, or a sinus.
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