MCQ MAHE 2000 Obstetrics And Gynecology Answer 01

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The Correct Answer is B

* Yeast has a thick white cottage-cheese discharge and red vulva.
* Gardnerella has a foul-smelling, thin,grayish discharge .
* Trichomonas has a profuse, bubbly, frothy white discharge.
* Foreign body is obvious and has a terrible odor.
* Cervicitis has a mucopurulent cervical discharge and the cervix is tender to touch.
* Chlamydia causes a friable cervix but often has no other findings.
* Gonorrhea causes a mucopurulent cervical discharge and the cervix may be tender to touch.
* Cervical ectropion looks like a non-tender, fiery-red, friable button of tissue surrounding the cervical os.
* Infected/Rejected IUD demonstrates a mucopurulent cervical discharge in the presence of an IUD. The uterus is mildly tender.
* Chancroid appears as an ulcer with irregular margins, dirty-gray necrotic base and tenderness.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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