The Correct Answer is B
- Stage I: Cancer limited to the uterine body (corpus)
- Stage II: Cancer extends into the cervix, but not beyond the uterus.
- Stage III: Cancer extends beyond the uterus, but only so far as the peritoneum, adnexa or vagina
- Stage IV: Cancer extends into the bladder, bowel, or to distant sites
Within each stage are subgroups (eg, Stage IA, IB, IC)
Stage I- Ia Endometrium
- Ib < ½ myometrium Ic >½ myometrium
Stage 2 - IIa Endocervical Glands
- IIb Cervical Stroma
Stage 3- IIIa Serosa, adnexa, cytology
- IIIb Vagina
- IIIc Pelvic, Paraaortic nodes
Stage 4- IVa Bladder mucosa, bowel mucosa
- IVb Distant, intra-abdominal, inguinal nodes (ovaries this was stage III, don’t get that mixed up)
MAHE 2000 MCQs
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