MCQ Pediatrics Answer 1

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The correct answer is D

There is no known treatment that can stop the progression of hemolytic uremic syndrome once it has started. Initially, treatment may be supportive, which means that there is no cure for the specific disease, so it is necessary to treat the symptoms. If the child shows signs of dehydration and electrolyte irregularities, these conditions will be treated first. Other therapies may include:

  • Close observation and monitoring in an intensive care unit (ICU) may be necessary.
  • Blood transfusions may be necessary to treat moderate to severe cases of anemia (low red blood cell count).
  • Your child may require intravenous (IV) nutrition if he/she is having severe digestive tract complications.
  • Dialysis may be required in up to half of all children who develop HUS.
  • Medications may be required to treat your child's blood pressure, which may be elevated.

Category: Pediatrics MCQs



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