The correct answer is D
Explanation- Pseudogout:calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease ;
- the disease most commonly presents itself as an osteoarthritis (50%).
- Other manifestations include acute synovitis (20%) rheumatoid form (5%) and cartilage calcification chondrocalcinosis);
- Features seen most commonly in the knee joints, include chondrocalcinosis; articular space narrowing, atlantoaxial subluxation,destructive wrist arthropathy and Charcot like joints .
- (Multiple sclerosis, syringomyelia and leprosy are all causes of actual Charcot joints because they are associated with a loss of sensation.)
- The lab findings of crystals found within leukocytes giving a weakly positive birefringent diffraction pattern are a characteristic finding.
Orthopedics MCQs
Don't forget diabetes mellitus in Charcot's foot!
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