MCQ Pharmacology Solution 66

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The correct answer is A.

Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist and has been approved to hasten the recovery from benzodiazepines used in anesthetic and diagnostic settings and to reverse the CNS depressant effects following an overdose with benzodiazepines. Flumazenil can only be used for benzodiazepines and is not useful to reverse the effects of other CNS depressants such as barbiturates and ethanol.

Glucagon (choice B) is an antidote for beta-blocker overdose.

Naloxone (choice C), an opioid receptor antagonist, is an antidote for opioid overdose.

Nitrite (choice D), or sodium nitrite, is an antidote for cyanide poisoning.

Protamine (choice E) is an antidote for heparin overdose.

Category: Pharmacology MCQs



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