MCQ Infection Answer 39

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The correct answer is C.

The probable organism is Giardia lamblia, which characteristically infects the small intestine. When seen in smears from duodenal aspirates, this flagellated organism has a characteristic "face-like" appearance. However, in biopsy specimens, the organism is often caught at an angle, and the characteristic appearance and location is as described in the question stem. Giardia is a common contaminant of water supplies (even in the United States), and patients who ingest the cysts may be asymptomatic or may occasionally develop prolonged diarrhea or intestinal malabsorption. Some patients with severe disease have low serum IgA or low overall immunoglobulin levels.

Entamoeba histolytica (choice A) usually infects the large intestine and/or liver.

Escherichia coli (choice B) is a bacterial cause of diarrhea.

Naegleria fowleri (choice D) causes meningoencephalitis.

Trichomonas vaginalis (choice E) causes vaginitis.

Category: Infectious Diseases MCQs



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