MCQ Medicine Answer 30

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The correct answer is D.

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome refers to the constellation of neurologic symptoms caused by thiamine deficiency. Among these, a severe memory deficit, which the patient may attempt to cover by making up bizarre explanations (confabulation), is prominent. Anatomical damage to the mamillary bodies and periventricular structures has been postulated as the cause. In the U.S., severe thiamine deficiency is seen most commonly in chronic alcoholics. Thiamine deficiency can also damage peripheral nerves ("dry" beriberi) and the heart ("wet" beriberi).

Folic acid deficiency (choice A) produces megaloblastic anemia without neurologic symptoms.

Niacin deficiency (choice B) produces pellagra, characterized by depigmenting dermatitis, chronic diarrhea, and anemia.

Riboflavin deficiency (choice C) produces ariboflavinosis, characterized by glossitis, corneal opacities, dermatitis, and erythroid hyperplasia.

Vitamin B12 deficiency (choice E) produces megaloblastic anemia accompanied by degeneration of the posterolateral spinal cord.

Category: Internal Medicine MCQs , Medicine MCQs



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