Karnataka PGET Medicine MCQ Answer 17

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The correct answer is B

  1. Insulinoma
    1. Most common islet cell tumor
    2. May secrete enough insulin to cause hypoglycemia
    3. Sxs: confusion, stupor, loss of consciousness
    4. Morphology
      1. most are solitary adenomas, 10% are multiple, 10% are metastatic
      2. See diffuse islet hyperplasia, with normal β cells (rectangular granules)
  2. Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome)
    1. Triad of disease: peptic ulcers, gastric hypersecretion, endocrine gastrin-secreting tumor
    2. 60% are malignant
    3. Histology is similar to normal G cells
    4. Pts present with severe diarrhea, fluid/electrolyte imbalance and malabsorption
  3. Glucagonoma
    1. sxs similar to diabetes mellitus; have migratory skin erythema and anemia
  4. Somatostatinoma
    1. sxs: diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis, steatorrhea, hypochlorhydria
  5. VIPoma
    1. sxs: watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria; associated with neural crest tumors
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