COMEDK 2007 MCQ Answer 18

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The correct answer is A

TRIAGE TAG Color Code Priorities

        1. RED--- Immediate
          1. Serious but salvageable, with life-threatening injuries. Severe burns, bleeding, impaired breathing and internal injuries.
          2. Red Tagged patients are transported first from Casualty Collection Area.
          3. Examples of Injuries:
            1. Witnessed Cardiac Arrest
            2. Uncorrected Respiratory Problems (not Minor Distress)
            3. Severe Bleeding and Shock
            4. Open Chest and Abdominal Injuries
            5. Major Fractures and Burns (Full Thickness/ Airway)
            6. Unconscious Patients
            7. Severe Medical Problems (Heart Attack, Poisoning)
            8. Injured Co-workers and Severe Emotional Disorders

        1. YELLOW--- Moderate
          1. Moderate to serious injuries. Victims with potentially serious injuries such as long bone fractures and moderate bleeding are assigned here.
          2. Yellow tagged patients are transported immediately after Red Tag and may be transported with a green tag patient.
          3. Examples of Injuries:
            1. Severe Burns not affecting the airway
            2. Spinal Injuries
            3. Moderate Blood Loss
            4. Head Injuries

        1. GREEN--- Minor
          1. “Walking Wounded” and minor injuries. Patient is not seriously injured.
          2. Delayed treatment and transport
          3. Example of Injuries:
            1. Minor Injuries- Cuts and Abrasions
            2. Minor Fractures
            3. Mortal Injuries where death appears imminent

        1. BLACK--- Deceased
          1. Victims who are found to be obviously deceased with no vital signs or obviously fatal injuries.
          2. Transport arrangements are made with Coroner.
          3. Patients should not be moved by EMS Personnel, as they are part of the crime scene.

        1. WHITE--- Non-Injured
          1. For patient accountability
          2. Person was involved in the incident but is not injured.
          3. Transportation will occur when available and by mass transit capabilities.





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