MCQ MAHE 2000 Anesthesia Answer 5

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The Correct Answer is B

When a spinal is given, a fine needle is inserted into the dura deliberately to inject local anaesthetic into the CSF. If too much fluid leaks out through the hole in the dura, the pressure in the rest of the fluid is reduced.

If you sit up, the pressure around your brain is reduced even more. This decreased pressure can cause the symptoms typical of a post dural puncture headache.

Some patients describe it as like a very bad migraine which is made worse when sitting or standing up.

The risk of a headache from a spinal or epidural is reported to be somewhere between 1 patient in 50 to 1 patient in 200.This risk is slightly more common the younger you are or if you are a female.

Category: MAHE 2000 MCQs



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