MCQ Pediatrics Answer 23

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The Correct Answer is D

Prophylactic antibiotics are considered the most effective initial therapy in the prevention of recurrent acute otitis media. Myringotomy and ventilating tubes may also be effective, but should be reserved for patients who fail to respond to antimicrobial prophylaxis or in whom it is contraindicated. Adenoidectomy and allergy surveys are generally reserved for patients who require multiple myringotomies and tubes or who have other indications for these interventions. Topical and oral steroids have been used for persistent middle ear effusion with unproven results and are generally avoided; they should not be considered in the absence of effusion.

Ref: Eehrman RE, Kliegman RM, Jenson HE (eds): Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, ed 16. WE Saunders Co, 2000, p 1953. (APFB, 2001).

Category: Pediatrics MCQs



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